Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Way to Stuttering Therapy through Telemedicine

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This advanced method of treating stuttering is still young, but studies have continually emerged through time. This “remote” treatment of stuttering uses the low cost video conferencing.

Video conferencing is the amalgam of audio, video, and communication network technologies for real-time interaction. Like the schools where students participate in distance education, the telemedicine uses electronic signals to transfer medical data from one site to another. This method is growing and being used by many health care providers.

Such method requires the use advanced technologies such as high-resolution photographs, radiological images, sounds, patient records, and video-conferencing.

This telemedicine offers many advantages. One example is the appeal of being able to visit and interact with a client without travelling outside one’s clinic. This lessens transactional costs. Another advantage, which is important, is the ability to reach people from remotest areas where there are no available health providers.

However, all video-conferencing systems are an expensive room-based scheme. This is because it requires several significant components for both parties such as microphone, camera, and digitizer. The latter is very important for it converts audio and video into necessary digital form or codec to be able to transfer data efficiently.

How Can I Stop Stuttering?,
Most computers are equipped with multimedia components such as audio capture and playback capabilities. The purpose of such components is to convert the audio signal into a digital code. Because this causes a large amount of information to be processed, there should be a compressor. This will reduce the amount of information so that the signal will not erode over a shared network of computers. This compressor uses a codec. It is typically integrated into the computer software. The smaller the data to be transmitted and the larger the capacity of bandwidth to contain data, the fastest the information is transferred.

With telemedicine, it is also important for computers to have a video camera that captures and displays video images. These cameras often cost between $100 and $900. Again, these video images are large data being transferred in a shared network. That is why it is very important to compress this data through codec. Lastly, the computer needs an Internet service provider. It is best to use Ethernet network at this process for modem connection is slower.

As such, studies show that this method can also provide therapeutic interaction with adults who stutter. Some considerations should be noted too such as challenges related to stability and speed of network connections. However, this can be minimized in some instances like controlling the time and the network traffic during video-conferencing activities.

How Can I Stop Stuttering?,
This process does not aim to be a substitute to direct face-to-face treatment as of to date. However, because of technology, the use of video-conferencing may supplement the lack of treatment in several cases. This process may provide opportunities for therapeutic treatment for people with proximity problems. It will also enable people who stutter to interact with other people from different locations or countries.

This therapeutic treatment using video conferencing is no doubt a potential tool for remote stuttering intervention.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Step-By-Step Process of Mind-Body-Spirit Technique to Heal Struttering

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Many clinicians now treat people who stutter using the mind-body-spirit medical philosophy, a model that was being practiced at least three thousand years ago.

Not only the principles and practices of this model are used to treat people who stutter. Such technique also showed effective results with terminally ill cancer patients and catastrophically ill children. Doctors employ visualization, guided imagery, and psychotherapy.

The mind-body-spirit medical philosophy is also known as “alternative medicine” or “holistic medicine” because clinicians look into the totality of the person including his mind and body to understand the dynamics that may induce or cause the illness and not just the symptoms.

The underpinning principle for such technique is that human organisms naturally yearn for balance and wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Such balance and wellness enables the body to function normally without much effort.

Therefore, recently, speech pathologist Carl H. Scott proposed a PWS in treating people who stutter. His model is based mainly from the mind-body-spirit medical philosophy. The technique does not only treat stuttering symptoms but also work the person toward balanced mind, body, and spirit.

Patients should take note of the adverse attitudes that would lead to unsuccessful treatment. The program is designed to encourage patients to develop their own inner guidance and therefore trust the technique. The technique makes patients self-reliant with a continuing source of information and inspiration to realize their goals.

The fundamental principle of this process is the commitment and intimate communication of patients with their higher selves. One clinician defines it as “invisible life force.”

A variety of therapeutic techniques is provided through the healing process. Examples of these are regression, gestalt therapy, psychosynthesis, applied kinesiology, EMDR, focusing, visualization, guided imagery, hypnosis, and neurolinguistic programming (NLP).

The first stage is to guide the patients to identify attitudes, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and behaviour that might lead to unsuccessful healing. On this stage, clinicians are often listeners and absorbers of their patients’ seethes before the latter will be willing to throw their old belief system and accept a new perspective.

The second stage of the therapeutic sessions is to begin a healing process. Sometimes, this stage involves an inner child work. Other sessions might include dialoguing or forgiveness. The sessions are designed to dispel negative feelings and thoughts that has been stored over the years. This is because negative energies pose threat to therapeutic progress.

The next stage is designed to create a healthy belief system through indoctrination of new and positive thoughts and feelings. The sessions aim to develop a self-acceptance and love in the patients. The fundamental emphasis on this technique is to embed in patients’ belief system that everyone has freedom to think, feel, and behave.

This stage is focused on embedding new beliefs, thoughts, feelings, attitude, and behaviour on an internal level. Such goal is often attained through the use of guided imagery, visualization, and actively living the life outside the therapy environment.

This systematic process of mind-body-spirit model makes a person achieve fluency and eliminating his stuttering.
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stuttering Symptoms: Understanding the Signs of Speech Problems

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Stuttering is a normal speech behavior that occurs in ordinary conversations, public speaking engagements, or group discussions. Almost everyone has had experienced it, and it is not a cause for alarm if it does not interfere much in the clarity of a message or speech. However, some people tend to stutter more often than others do. Stammering becomes a speech problem if it gets in the way of communication or expressing oneself clearly.

There are many misconceptions about people who stutter a lot. One is that they are not as smart or well adjusted as non-stutterers are. This is mainly because of their difficulty in expressing themselves. However, people who stutter are not as unintelligent as they may appear. Stammering and intelligence have nothing to do with each other.

To know more and understand what stammering is and how it is manifested in children and adults, you have to learn the symptoms of this speech condition. Learning the symptoms enables you to take immediate actions once you have confirmed that you have speech disfluency.

Problems with speech production are the first symptoms of stammering. The most obvious sign of stammering is the repetition of syllables, sounds, or words. This occurs usually at the start of a word. Hesitation is another symptom. A person who stutters prolong or hold certain sounds at the start of a word for a few seconds. Stutterers also add a particular word or sound to his or her sentence in place of the word that’s stuck in their tongue.

The other symptoms of speech disfluency manifest themselves when a person attempts to control his or her stammering. Several movements of the body can be noticed while a stutterer is speaking. These include jerky head movements, rapid blinking of the eyes, poor eye contact, and shaking of the lips and jaw.

A few symptoms are more difficult to see than the physical symptoms of stammering. These symptoms involve the emotions, which can be recognized by the stutterer himself. The worst among all symptoms of stammering include fear of the condition itself, inability to express oneself clearly, and avoidance of situations in which a person has to speak. Intense fear of being ridiculed and embarrassed is fairly common among people who frequently stutter.

Stutterers also tend to become angered and frustrated because of their condition and the reactions of other people about it. As a result, the self-esteem and self-image of a person who stutters go into a nosedive. All these emotional symptoms lead to another cycle of stammering symptoms, thus worsening a person’s speech difficulties.

All symptoms of stuttering vary throughout a person’s lifespan. They may increase or decrease, depending on the physical and emotional state of the stutterer. The symptoms may lessen when the person whispers, sings, talkx to pets, speaks along with others, or copies another person’s manner of speaking.

On the other hand, symptoms get worse because of certain situations such as increased anxiety and nervousness when a person has to speak in public or to talk on the phone. Also, there are particular medications that trigger or aggravate the symptoms of stammering.
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Stuttering in Children: A Brief Guide for Parents

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At the age of three to four, children begin stuttering as they develop their speech and language skills. That is just normal during the speech development stage, which causes toddlers to constantly repeat, hesitate, and mispronounce words, sounds, and syllables. This temporary stage is called normal disfluency or pseudo-stuttering that occurs as children learn how to speak properly. Parents have no reason to worry because kids will eventually outgrow this stage after several months.


Until now, the exact cause of speech disfluency in children is still the subject of numerous studies. However, there are factors that may possibly trigger speech disorders in children such as genetics and the malfunction of the mechanisms responsible for speech production in the brain, nerves, and muscles.


Stammering in children becomes a cause for alarm when they fail to show signs of improvement after six months since the onset of stammering. The following are the symptoms every parent should watch out:

• Frequent repetition of a certain syllable (e.g. “Mom, I want some cho-cho-cho chocolates.”)

• Tendency to pronounce particular sounds in a lengthy way (e.g. “Ccccccan I wwwwatch TV?”)

• Substitution of vowels when repeating certain syllables. (e.g. “I will wuh-wuh-wuhsh my feet.”)

• Change of tone and pitch when the child gets stuck with a word

• Avoidance of speaking for fear of getting embarrassed

How to Help Children Overcome their Condition
As a parent, you have to make life a bit easier for your child and lessen the struggles he or she has to endure while going through the speech disfluency stage. The following are useful tips to help your child cope with the speech problem:

• Refrain from asking your child too many questions. Toddlers will find it easier to speak more clearly when they are allowed to express themselves instead of answering questions often.

• Do not react negatively or scold your child whenever he or she stutters. Making your child feel that you dislike stammering will only make him or her more self conscious. Just listen and show a neutral reaction or simply smile. Also, avoid the urge to complete or correct the sentence for your child. Let him or her express the message without any interruption.

• After your child has completed the sentence, say it again in a slow manner to let him or her know that you understood the message.

• Speak to your child in a moderate pace. This will train your child to speak calmly instead of hurrying to say things. In addition, pay attention to what your child has to say. If you look like you’re in a hurry, your child will tend to speak faster to keep up with you.

• Encourage—but don’t force—your child to talk. That way, the child learns to be confident when speaking. Whenever your child says a complete and correct sentence, praise him or her.

Your child needs your care, understanding, and support to be able to cope with stuttering. Give your child the assurance that you won’t punish him or her for every mistake. That way, it will be easier for the child to outgrow the speech problem.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Simple Techniques to Help Overcome Stuttering

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Stuttering can also be referred to as stammering. This is a kind of speech disorder wherein the flow of speech is interrupted with prolongation or repetitions of words, syllables, sounds and phrases. The stutterer may sometimes experience involuntary silent pauses with what they want to say as they are unable to create any sounds.

This condition is only normal for children when they are only beginning to talk. At this point, kids are only trying to imitate sounds and they are practicing how they can construct their sentences in order to convey what’s on their mind. It is a different case though if you are already an adult and you still fumble many times with your words. If you won’t seek treatment, this may cause you burdens as well as social and psychological effects.

As you grow old, you are expected to mingle with different kinds of people. You will go far in life if you know how to express yourself properly at various kinds of venues. The condition may not bother you that much while you were young, but once you expand your horizons, like you attend school or go hunting for jobs, you need to be confident enough to express yourself to create a good impression. There are some people who only stutter at certain conditions, like when they have to speak in front of a large group or they need to present something very important to their bosses. There are also those who can’t say how they feel to people important to them or they get tongue-tied when they are already faced with the people they admire.

For severe cases, it is vital that you consult with a professional speech language pathologist so that they can test what’s the best treatment that you can get. If you only get attacks of this condition and you want to learn how to control this speech defect, here are some tricks that you may want to look into.

1. You must find out what is causing the problem. You are feeling stressed out that is why you are fumbling with your words. Once you have pointed out what’s causing the stress, you must then think of ways on how you can relax in such situation.

2. Learn how to breathe while talking. Do not rush yourself to finish what you are saying. This exercise is usually done by public speakers and singers. Inhale to get air into your system and say your thoughts while exhaling.

3. If you are finding it hard to speak, try to practice by singing your words. There are some singers who do not sound well during interviews, but you won’t notice anything that is wrong with them while singing. This will be a good exercise and as you go about it, you should also try to practice other steps to make it easier for you to say what you want to.

You have to find your voice and develop self-confidence in order to overcome stuttering. You must never be defeated by this condition. You must do your best to correct the problem and emerge a winner through it all.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Shocking and Interesting Facts about Stuttering

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How do people usually react when they hear someone stutter? They most likely make fun of the stuttering person. And how do people usually perceive someone who stutters? Stupid, dumb, or even good for nothing. A person’s competence or personality is always judged based on how good a speaker he is. That is a sad reality for many people who tend to stutter. Whether you are among the 1 percent of the world’s population that stutters or not, it helps to know and understand the basic facts about this speech condition to put things in a better perspective. This is especially helpful for parents with children who stutter.

The following are some of the essential and interesting facts about stammering that people should know:

• Individuals who stutter are normal, as they lack only the ability to express words fluently. They are not mentally incapacitated as what others perceive them to be. Stutterers can be as smart as non-stutterers are.

• Speech disfluency typically begins at the age of two to five.

• Boys are four times more likely to stutter than girls.

• The real cause of stammering has not yet been determined.

• Speech disfluency runs in families, leading scientists to believe that this condition can be hereditary.

• A lot of well-known people in the field of politics and entertainment stuttered and were able to cope with their speech difficulties. The world’s famous stutterers include actress Marilyn Monroe, British politician Winston Churchill, King George VI, author Lewis Carroll, musician Carly Simon, and former U.S. president George W. Bush.

• For many people, stammering gives them a feeling that their speech is way beyond their control. Such a feeling makes them worry and disturbed about their self-image, causing them to feel ashamed of themselves and to be extremely anxious every time they speak. Their tendency to stutter also makes them fear talking in front of others.

• The anxiety that a person feels boosts the intensity and frequency of stammering. This creates a cycle that only escalates the condition.

• Stammering behaviors develop and change in a person’s entire lifespan. Most people who stutter experience variations in the level of their speech problem. There are times when they stutter frequently, while at other times, they stutter just a bit.

• In children, there are times when stammering seem to disappear on its own, but it goes back later on a more severe level.

• About 80 percent of toddlers who stutter will eventually outgrow their speech disfluency. The remaining 20 percent of these children continue the speech condition for the rest of their lives. These children tend to talk very fast and struggle to say words that seem to stuck. This behavior increases the likelihood of stammering in later years.

People with stuttering problems are often misunderstood, and this make the problem worse for them. It is important that you know how to deal with and help your family members or friends who stutter so that they will be able to cope better with their condition.
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Monday, July 19, 2010

Relaxation Technique in Treating Stuttering

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...The F. M. Alexander Technique

Along with varied therapies and programs designed to treat stuttering, one method is based on the premise of developing and controlling self-awareness, movement, balance, support and coordination. This is called the F.M. Alexander Technique.

The F.M. Alexander Technique is a psychological approach used in treating stuttering. Worth noting is that it is not a treatment specific to stuttering or to any disorder. It is a method of improving ease and freedom of movement. It teaches to use the appropriate amount of effort exerted in certain activities. However, the F.M. Alexander Technique is not or limited to a series of exercises; it is a reeducation of the mind and body.

It was named after its developer F. Matthias Alexander, who initially developed it as a technique for vocal training for singers and actors in the late nineteenth century. While developing this system and with varied experiments, F.M Alexander realized the importance of naturally functioning respiratory mechanism in a well-functioning physical body.

He introduced a technique, which he called the reeducation of breathing mechanism. Hence, many medical doctors eventually recognized such innovative perspective during those times. F. M. Alexander also discovered that breathing and vocalization are essential component of how body functions well. Take for example the habitual breathing and vocal patterns. Both are crucial aspects of habitual patterns of general bodily coordination. Coordination includes posture, breathing, movement, and tension patterns.

As such, he eventually developed a method that teaches patients to change consciously their maladaptive habits of coordination. F. M. Alexander found out that habits are generally psychophysical in nature, be that physical or mental habits. This is because he realized that the mind and body function are integrated entity rather than working individually.

In addition, he observed that one’s perspective towards his activities determines how he coordinates himself to those activities. At the same time, long-practiced habits of too much tension and inefficient coordination affect vocal training. The method of breathing reeducation and then a comprehensive technique of psychophysical reeducation help solve the difficulties.

Thus, the F. M. Alexander Technique aids stutterers to develop more awareness and control in their activities. This came from the premise that the difficulties people experience in many levels such as learning, control of performance, and physical functioning are caused by unconscious habits. As such, these unconscious habits interfere with the natural poise and the capacity to learn. Therefore, the technique teaches a person to eliminate such interference in the innate coordination of the body creating greater self-confidence and presence of mind.

Therefore, finding out about vocal technique and breathing problems, many of his students developed therapeutic mechanisms in solving various problems including stuttering. They followed his premise on breathing mechanisms and respiratory technique.

However, one should keep in mind that the F. M. Alexander Technique does not treat a passive patient. Positive results will yield from conscious eliminating of harmful habits that cause physical and emotional stress. Both American educational philosopher John Dewey and Nobel-prize-winning scientist Nikolaas Tinbergen recognized such technique as an effective aid in improving physical and psychological well-being. Thus, it is now used as a combination therapy in treating stuttering.
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